Sexuality, Relationships and
Your Rights

Research shows that people with disabilities are at more risk of both being victims of sexual crimes and, often accidentally, perpetrators of crimes. From a sex positive and person-centered approach, this resource aims to empower individuals (and the people that support them) to know how the law can support or protect them from these experiences.

WA Version of SRAYR

SECCA released the current version of its landmark SRAYR book in 2019. We saw an overwhelming demand for a fresh resource that addressed sensitive and critical information relating to sexuality and the law today.

This version incorporates Western Australia’s laws, and the social and language changes that have taken place in the 17 years since the first version was released.

Consultation with many community organisations led to a number of new sections being added including: dating, sex work, internet safety, sexting, gender identity and pornography. The new resource has hundreds of new illustrations — and has grown from 25 pages to over 100 pages long!